Season #3 lasted from 2022-07-01 to 2022-10-01
Rank | Name | Score |
#1 | SnK | Snakes and Knives | 229,518 |
#2 | suhg | 99,315 |
#3 | IAmSixSyllables | 74,386 |
#4 | MonchyCronchy | 73,366 |
#5 | GordonFreemanJr | 65,480 |
#6 | Moura | 62,971 |
#7 | skittle ducks jr. | 62,576 |
#8 | jr_ | 60,275 |
#9 | The Shoveler | 59,135 |
#10 | rusty | 59,046 |
#11 | Teen Pregnancy | 56,687 |
#12 | pandy fackler | 54,565 |
#13 | Zincian | 54,544 |
#14 | John McCain | 52,266 |
#15 | justin | 46,970 |
#16 | So itchy... | 46,203 |
#17 | a | 40,109 |
#18 | Ante102 | 39,494 |
#19 | skele | 38,566 |
#20 | chromatic | 36,940 |
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